Profile image Anthony Graddy 10mo ago

User responded and basically said why not just use Twitter?

My response:

Hey [Name], thanks for the response.

Fair question. Here are my thoughts:
• I want to create a library of content specifically about sales and marketing geared towards builders and developers. (Note, a lot of these items would be solved by IndieHackers but from my perspective it is a bit of a ghost town, the newest page has a ton of 0 comment posts and/or spam like "How to Find a Good Property Manager" that is not being dealt with).
• Twitter is more of a stream of content than a forum. If you have a question about someone's post from 6 months ago, very few people are going to see your comment (SellInPublic works old-school and bumps threads to the top like old-school forums).
• It is hard to search/find old posts/threads on Twitter. My long term plans for SIP include allowing each user to create "libraries" to group their posts.
• People limit what they post on Twitter (or post clickbait) to comply with the algorithm. On SIP, there is no algorithm. I'm tracking every single outreach I do on my SIP site which would not work well on Twitter. Here is the link to me documenting my initial outreach to you:
So instead of fighting and figuring out an algorithm, users can just post info they think is relevant to learning about sales and marketing.
• The plan is to sustain SIP by charging for API access. So no ads and friendly for developers to build other tools on top of the API.

I realize you are growing a pretty impressive following on both Twitter and LinkedIn so SIP may not be good use of your time for now (if that is the case, no worries).

You were one of the first people I connected with on here so I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know about it.

PS Sorry for this long response, I wasn't sure how to respond to the question without each of these points.

PPS [Personal message]

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Profile image Anthony Graddy 10mo ago

User responded and basically said why not just use Twitter?

My response:

Hey [Name], thanks for the response.

Fair question. Here are my thoughts:
• I want to create a library of content specifically about sales and marketing geared towards builders and developers. (Note, a lot of these items would be solved by IndieHackers but from my perspective it is a bit of a ghost town, the newest page has a ton of 0 comment posts and/or spam like "How to Find a Good Property Manager" that is not being dealt with).
• Twitter is more of a stream of content than a forum. If you have a question about someone's post from 6 months ago, very few people are going to see your comment (SellInPublic works old-school and bumps threads to the top like old-school forums).
• It is hard to search/find old posts/threads on Twitter. My long term plans for SIP include allowing each user to create "libraries" to group their posts.
• People limit what they post on Twitter (or post clickbait) to comply with the algorithm. On SIP, there is no algorithm. I'm tracking every single outreach I do on my SIP site which would not work well on Twitter. Here is the link to me documenting my initial outreach to you:
So instead of fighting and figuring out an algorithm, users can just post info they think is relevant to learning about sales and marketing.
• The plan is to sustain SIP by charging for API access. So no ads and friendly for developers to build other tools on top of the API.

I realize you are growing a pretty impressive following on both Twitter and LinkedIn so SIP may not be good use of your time for now (if that is the case, no worries).

You were one of the first people I connected with on here so I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know about it.

PS Sorry for this long response, I wasn't sure how to respond to the question without each of these points.

PPS [Personal message]

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