Profile image Anthony Graddy 10mo ago

Cold Outreach Report
Message Type: Twitter/X Direct Message
Service Promoting:

Hi, quick question: Is there any public data you need that is frustrating to use or access?

I'm a software developer looking to build data tools for the oil & gas industry (things like tracking permits, centralized info postings, a FERC filing database, interactive EIA reports, interactive BHI rig reports, etc.)

Based on your Twitter account, I'm assuming you work in the field.

Is there any Appalachia data that you wish was easier to use or access?

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Profile image Anthony Graddy 10mo ago

User responded with a nice message that said they gather data in-house.

I responded with:

Sounds good, thanks for getting back to me! If you ever do have a need (or know of someone else who does), don't hesitate to reach out.

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