Profile image Anthony Graddy 3mo ago

Cold Outreach Report
Message Type: Twitter/X Direct Message
Service Promoting:

Hi [Name],

I saw you hit 100k in December - congratulations, that is impressive!

I saw that you are using Keepa but was wondering if there are any other metrics you would like to track that you can't right now?

I'm building out a metric tracking service and would be willing to build custom integrations for anything you need. Including anything with that would help you with sourcing.

Anthony Graddy

PS Good luck this coming week on the day job - it sounds like you are going to be busy!

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Profile image Anthony Graddy 3mo ago

User responded and started a conversation. We are currently discussing their needs. Their needs seem to be more custom than what MetricRiv provides. I may need to build a custom solution for them.

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Profile image Anthony Graddy 3mo ago

They gave me some additional information and I'm going to do some testing on a new type of app and get back to them in a week or two.

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Profile image March 50 Challenge 3mo ago

This has been added to the March 50 Challenge leaderboard.

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